13 October 2006

Okay, so I said I'd do it...

I made my students start blogs and promised I'd start one up, too. Now I have (2 weeks late), and I can see why they've been alternately amused and weirded-out by it.

I was finding links for them to explore and went to some archive of weird stuff, which led to something about Strawberry PopTart Blowtorches (really), which made me think about that old "microwave the Peeps" website, etc., etc. Sugar is highly flammable. I was stuck on the I-15 between Las Vegas and San Bernardino for hours one time as highway crews cleaned up the carcass of a burned-out semi that had been hauling sugar.

Anyway, back to the Peeps. YouTube has all sorts of movies in which people microwave their Peeps. I like this one which has a plot, of sorts, and apparently gay Peeps with bad French accents. Seriously, though, this "microwaving-the-Peeps" video is like its own new genre.

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