30 October 2006

Halloween Eve

Tomorrow's the big day--a thousand children will descend on my neighborhood (I'm not exaggerating--the guy down on the corner counted one year) and make off with all the candy, like African driver ants on a pig carcass. Last year, we gave out 15 pounds of candy (one piece at a time) to the eager young darlings. We sit out on the steps with buckets of candy in hand to keep the hordes from stumbling up our cement steps in a haze of sugar euphoria (one year, we didn't move quickly enough to stop a large[ish] Snow White from landing on her head).

Remember the coneheads? Fried eggs and six-packs--now that's Halloween. Here's a transcript of Beldar and the gang.

1 comment:

Sonie said...

Note to self...never read Prof. Rhodes' blog posts during "quiet time" at work.