04 June 2007

Detroit's Neon Birth Canal

The neon light-and-sound show at the airport was one of the more technologically sophisticated elements of this year's Computers & Writing conference. Don't get me wrong--some computers worked, the wireless was hooked up, and the projection system in our presentation finally was up and running some 10 minutes in. Overall, I had a good time in Detroit: dinner with Donna that redeye-flight-fatigued first night; great conversations with Cindy; helping Jonathan get pictures for one of his blogs; a far better hotel than I deserved for the low, low price; and free margaritas from the Cuervo grrls (yes, there are pictures) at Xochimilco.

I take it all as a reinforcement of this idea: what matters in tech, and tech conferences, ultimately, is the people. Really. Doesn't that just warm the cockles of your heart? And what are cockles?


Sonie said...

Hmmm...would that be cockleshells? Or cockles referring to wrinkles? Or would that be the plant variety of cockles? ;-P

Sonie said...

Of course, cockle has also been used to refer to the slimy being that lives inside of the cockleshell. Have you seen a picture of that? Ew.